Building Energy Performance (EPC)
Building Energy Rating (BER)

3e are qualified to carry out EPC's & BER's

3e are registered with the SEI governmental body to carry out both Domestic and Non-Domestic (Commercial) certification. 3e are also accredited in the UK and can carry out the Energy Performance certification for commercial buildings. Over the past years 3e has been training both Architects and engineers in the use of the DEAP and iSBEM software, Building legislation and Building Regulations. And achieved a high pass rate for those who have taken the subsequent state BER registration, Interim BRE and City & Guilds examinations.


Domestic BER Certificates

3e are SEI registered domestic and commercial BER assessors. Our staff are fully qualified engineers with extensive knowledge in the construction and energy sector.

All properties offered for sale or for rent from the first of January 2009 now require a BER certificate. A BER certificate is essentially an energy label ranging from an A1 the most efficient to a G rating the least efficient. These ratings are similar to those seen on electrical appliances such as fridges or washing machines. All certificates are valid for a 10 year period.


Non Domestic Building Energy Ratings (BER)

From the 1st of January 2009 a Building Energy Rating (BER) Certificate is required, by Law, for all existing and new properties for Sale Lease or Rent this includes commercial and industrial buildings. This Certificate is to be supplied, by the owner of the property, to a prospective buyer or tenant when offered for sale or rent.

The BER Cert. is intended to give prospective buyers and tenants information about the energy performance and Carbon rating of buildings. Current legislation states that building owners must engage a BER assessor registered with the SEI to carry out the assessments. The BER assessor follows the national calculation methodology to calculate the BER and generate the advisory report. The assessment is submitted for publication to the S.E.I. and recorded on the national BER register.